It’s simple user friendly design and it’s small and compact ! Awesome 💗
Border Tuteur Trellis
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Enhance your garden with the Border Tuteur Trellis, featuring graceful curves and an elegant finial on top. This tall trellis is designed to support all your vining vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, and peas. It's perfect for vining flowers, as well.
This trellis works well in raised beds or in-ground gardens to add vertical structure. Style alone or in a group of three.
Product Features:
- Powder-coated steel
Available in two sizes:
- Medium: 75" x 13"
- Large: 84" x 14 1/2"
- Bonus: Gardenary Guide to Growing Vertically ebook delivered right to your inbox after purchase
Note: Two person assembly recommended. Exclusive ebook will be delivered immediately to email inbox after purchase.