Gardenary Shop

Garden Seeds

Grow alongside Gardenary this fall with our new organic, non-GMO garden seeds.

Complete Kitchen Garden Projects

Raised bed garden design made easy! We're bringing you some of our favorite kitchen gardens as a complete...

Raised Gardens

Growing vegetables in a raised-bed garden makes it possible to harvest a lot from a small space. Raised beds...

Arch Trellises

Nothing can elevate the beauty and productivity of your garden space quite like a metal arch trellis. Shop our bestselling arch...

Obelisk Trellises

Trellis climbing plants with Gardenary's favorite metal obelisk trellises. These trellises add beauty and functionality to your garden space. 


Panel Trellises

Looking for trellis ideas for cucumbers and tomatoes? Need something that's easy to install but that will add tons of visual...


No one's born with a green thumb. You learn by reading and growing, and these gardening books for beginners and...

Garden Tools & Supplies

Gardenary's line of garden tools has everything you need to plant, tend, and harvest in your kitchen garden....

Apparel and Accessories
Discover the perfect blend of style, comfort, and sustainability with Gardenary's exclusive apparel line.

Our collection...