Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke
Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke

Leaves, Roots and Fruit by Nicole Burke

Get an autographed copy of Nicole Burke's 2023 book, Leaves Roots and Fruit-released April 25, 2023. 

Leaves Roots and Fruit teaches you the step by step to grow as a gardener-first with leaves, then with roots and finally fruit. 

Do you dream of walking through your own kitchen garden with baskets full of delicious food you grew yourself? But are you waiting to begin because you think you don’t have enough space, sun, time, or experience?

Then consider this: Plants want to grow. And when you match a plant’s needs to your own resources, you’re just one step away from success in the kitchen garden.

Nicole Johnsey Burke—founder of Gardenary, Inc., and author of 
Kitchen Garden Revival—is your expert guide for growing your own fresh, organic food every day of the year, no matter where you grow. More than just providing the how-to, she gives you the know-how for a practical and intuitive gardening system that includes:

- Leaves – quick satisfaction from abundant harvests, most available and simplest to grow; includes salad greens and herbs

- Roots – underground harvests that require more tending and are built for endurance, longevity, and longer shelf life; includes tubers, bulbs, and rhizomes

- Fruit – the most demanding and sweetest of all, requiring the most space, sunlight, and consistent watering to blossom; includes beans, squash, and tomatoes

Burke provides clear step-by-step instructions for setup, care, and harvest for each category of plants, complete with insightful tips for every level of gardener to grow with their plants.

There’s always a plant you can grow right where you are, right away—all you have to do is follow the steps.